CV and Presentation Upload
All oral presenters, including invited and plenary speakers, workshop presenters, panelists, and abstract presenters, are required to submit their PowerPoint presentations in advance. If you have already submitted your presentation but you have made changes, please resubmit your presentation. We will be posting PDFs of your slides by 9 September 2016 for conference attendees to view/print in advance (if you gave us permission to do so) and would like to use the most up-to-date versions. You may upload your submissions using the Presentation Submission Form. Please contact us at with any questions.
Preparing Your Presentation
Presentations should be prepared using Microsoft PowerPoint. With your permission, conference organizers will post your presentation in note-taking format (3 slides per page with lines for notes on the sides) as a secure PDF on a private website only for conference registrants. If you do not wish to post your presentation handouts, we will still need your PowerPoint file in advance for review for CEU requirements (both physician and nurse CEU accreditation require this).
Slide Requirements (for CEU purposes):
- Please insert a conflict of interest disclosure as the first slide after your title slide, even if you have nothing to disclose. If you have a relationship to disclose, list the name of the entity, the nature of your relationship, and if it is active or a terminated relationship.
- Please list the learning objectives specific to this particular presentation in a slide immediately after the conflict of interest slide.
- Please insert a slide at the end of the presentations that includes additional citations/references published in the past 5 years from peer reviewed journals.
- Please do not include any slides you have obtained from a commercial entity, or any slide that contains a logo, product by or listing of a commercial entity.
Slide Format Guidelines:
- Use several bullet points that target the topic on each slide, but no more than seven bullets per slide.
- Use large, easy-to-read fonts, such as Arial.
- Keep the text simple and concise (you should not put all of the text you will speak on your slide; audience members dislike having slides read aloud to them).
- Mix text with graphics and figures for greater interest, but keep any charts/figures simple enough to be easily read from the back of the meeting room.
- Orient all type horizontally, even on graphs and diagrams.
- Consider colorblindness and clarity when choosing accent colors and backgrounds. Use light and dark colors that contrast each other for legibility.
Concurrent Session Format (for Oral Abstract Presenters)
You will be allotted 10 minutes to give your presentation and 5 minutes for audience questions. A moderator will be present in your session to introduce each speaker and keep the session on time. After all 5 presentations in your session have concluded, 15 minutes will remain for a general Q&A session for all presenters. The moderator will facilitate this 15-minute panel-wide Q&A.